EMSS 2015 Proceeding

Alternatives aggregation petri nets applied to modular models of discrete event systems

Authors:   Juan Ignacio Latorre Biel, Emilio Jiménez Macías, Jorge Luis García-Alcaraz, Juan Carlos Sáenz Díez Muro, Mercedes Pérez de la Parte


The use of modelling formalisms for the design of discrete event systems presents many advantages, such as the posibility of structural analysis of the model or performance evaluation. However, the difficulty of the process to obtain an appropriate model of the system require the use of methodologies to ease the work of the designers. In this paper, two main subjects are discussed. On the one hand, the modular construction of Petri nets, alleviate the design process by the use of blocks that can be assembled to build up a complete Petri net model. On the other hand, the development of decision support systems may require the assessment of the performance and properties of complete models obtained from different combinations of modular blocks. The formalism of the alternatives aggregation Petri net may help in the development of compact and efficient models that may reduce the use of scarce computer resources.

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