EMSS 2015 Proceeding

NumEquaRes - Online simulation tool for education and academic research

Authors:   Stepan Orlov, Nikolay Shabrov


A new online simulation tool, NumEquaRes, is presented. While other simulation tools focus on helping to formulate model equations and provide a limited number of analysis types, NumEquaRes focuses on the formulation of the analysis algorithm to be applied to the model. The model and the algorithm together make a data processing system that can be run in order to obtain numerical results. We have found that some simple algorithms, e.g., generating Poincare map, require too much programming when implemented using popular tools such as MATLAB, Mathematica, Maple, and others. This motivates the development of yet another simulation tool providing much more flexibility for simulation algorithms without having to code them. The paper presents a set of example simulations that illustrate the ability to perform numerical investigations of dynamic systems. NumEquaRes is an open source system available for use and further extension to everyone. It is hosted at http//equares.ctmech.ru.

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