EMSS 2014 Proceeding

ProOpter: production dynamics analysis and optimization tool

Authors:   Gasper Music, Miha Glavan, Dejan Gradisar, Stanko Strmcnik


The paper deals with analysis and optimization of produc- tion performance dynamics expressed by key performance indicators (KPI). The architecture of a supporting software tool that integrates into production information systems is presented. The tool is able to support efficiency indicators composition, determination of performance influential variables and building of prediction model that enables a short-term prediction of the expected performance. The model can be used within predictive control algorithms, composing a production management decision support, which assists production operators at on-line production management. The tool is built modularly and employs industrial standards that facilitate the tool integration into production information systems of different vendors. The functionality of the tool is demonstrated by simulation benchmark as well as by real industrial production data.

I3M  Scientific Sponsors

I3M  Industrial Sponsors

I3M  Media Sponsors