MAS 2009 Proceeding

Multi Agent/HLA enterprise interoperability (short-lived ontology based)

Authors:   G. Zacharewicz, O. Labarthe, D. Chen, B. Vallespir


This paper aims at proposing an implementation of the Federation oriented Enterprise Interoperability concept, using Multi Agent / HLA paradigm and the rising no- tion of Short-Lived Ontology. We give first, a review of ongoing researches on Enterprise Interoperability. Then, we recall on Artificial Agent Concept and HLA Stan- dard that appear to be adequate to support execution of the studied concept. Indeed, on the one hand Agent di- alogue fits the concept of information exchange in a fe- derated enterprise interoperability approach, on the oth- er hand the HLA standard, initially designed for mili- tary M&S purpose, can be transposed for enterprise in- teroperability at the implementation level, reusing the years of experiences in distributed systems. From these postulates, we propose the first Agent/HLA framework Short-Lived Ontology based to implement distributed enterprise models from the conceptual level of federated enterprise interoperability approach.

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