EMSS 2016 Proceeding

Using NodeJS for discrete simulation in a web-based environment

Authors:   T. Wiedemann


There is a quiet revolution in the web application area. Instead of using hundreds of heavy web-servers in expansive server farms, only one powerful server is used for the black Friday super-business at companies like Walmart. The secret behind it is the base software that is being used a JavaScript engine called NodeJS for server applications. In contrast to heavy weight multitasking procedures of the operating systems with a maximum of about 200 processes at one time, NodeJS uses its own light weight multitasking in combination with Google´s performance optimized JavaScript-V8 engine with up to 1 Million processes on the same machine. This paper analyses the options for using this multitasking power for discrete simulation. The additional benefit of using JavaScript on a webserver is the easy integration in web-oriented environments.

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