EMSS 2014 Proceeding

Serious game at increased impact on culture and tourism

Authors:   Francesco Longo, Letizia Nicoletti, Stefano Vena, Antonio Padovano


This paper devoted to present some preliminary activities and results of an ongoing research project, SG-ICT, carried out by the MSC-LES laboratory of the University of Calabria. The SG-ICT main goal is to develop two groundbreaking applications for mobile devices INSIDE VIRTUAL and OUSIDE VIRTUAL. The former is a mobile app, based on Serious Games and Simulation, designed to allow its users to enjoy digital contents through interactive and virtual experiences. The latter is another mobile app, based on augmented reality and on an intelligent personal assistant, aimed at creating new patterns of interaction with real contents and historical findings during a real tour in a museum or in an archaeological site. After an extensive analysis of the state of the art, the INSIDE VIRTUAL and OUSIDE REAL apps are discussed and the SG-ICT architecture is introduced. Lastly some preliminary results are shown.

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