EMSS 2014 Proceeding

Kinematics and dynamics analysis of different mechanisms using simmechanics / simulink / matlab

Authors:   Anna D. Perechesova, Irina I. Kalapyshina, Konstantin A. Nuzhdin


The article shows the possibilities of modeling of spatial motions of a solid machines and a mechanisms using the library SimMechanics/Simulink/MATLAB. A two ways of kinematics analysis of the two-parametric antenna are shown using the library SimMechanics and using the principles of matrix equations. Also work presents the comparison of the results. The article presents the SimMechanics model of tribometric system and the SimMechanics model of executing mechanism of the device for manufacturing torsion bars with Helical Anisotropy. The envelope of the cross-section of torsion bars is an ellipse with longer axis of 0.046 mm and shorter axis of 0.033 mm, the total length - 100 mm, the density of braiding ?7 knots/mm.

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