MAS 2008 Proceeding

Simulation of the impact of the energetic characters of tractors and machines on the working efficiency of the soil tillage units

Authors:   Arvids Vilde, Edmunds Pirs


For soil tillage only those tractor-machine units (aggregates) should be used which ensure their performance with minimum fuel consumption and costs. This can be achieved by aggregates completed with efficient up-to-date tractors and tillage machines that are suitable for local conditions and have optimal design and applications parameters. Analytical relationships, deduced as a result of theoretical studies and confirmed by experimental data, allow simulation performance of soil tillage depending on the energetic characters of tractors and tillage machines that determine optimal parameters, such as the design, working speed and working width of the soil tillage tractor-machine aggregates, providing maximum labour efficiency at minimum fuel consumption and costs. During soil tillage the optimum speed of contemporary energy-saturated high-speed wheeled tractors that ensures maximum labour efficiency with minimum consumption of fuel and means is 7-9 km h-1. It is by 25-30% lower than the speed at which these tractors develop maximum draft power (10-12 km h-1).

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