MAS 2008 Proceeding

Organisational analysis of different modalities in drug administration,

Authors:   Lucio Buffoni, Libero Ciuffreda, Antonio Di Leva, Salvatore Femiano


The aim of the study is the organisational analysis of the care pathway for patients in the Oncology Division of a large hospital, in order to evaluate pros and cons of different drug administration modalities (the oral modality compared with the endovenous one). The study was focused on patients treated with the chemotherapic drug Navelbina in a day hospital setting, using a process analysis methodology. Starting from the pathway specification and from quantitative parameters of the workload, the efficiency of the patient pathway in terms of cycle time and resources exploitation has been assessed through simulations. This was done in order to highlight the real positive effect of the oral drug administration compared with the traditional one and also to point out solutions to improve the efficiency and to optimise the resources management. The study findings have confirmed the advantages of the oral type modality.

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