HMS 2013 Proceeding

Model development for the assessment of an international railway corridor ? methodological overview

Authors:   Rosa Rios Prado, Diego Crespo Pereira, David del Rio Vilas, Nadia Rego Monteil, Óscar De Gregorio Vicente


Transport modelling is a critical step in the design and economic assessment of transport infrastructures. Deci- sions on large investments must be based on the results of a model that has to cope with the complexities in- volved in transportation activities under long planning horizons. This paper discusses the methodological is- sues faced in the development of a model for the eco- nomic assessment of the Bolivian Central Bi-oceanic Railway Corridor (CFBC). This large infrastructure will connect the ports in Peru with the ones in Brazil by railway through the Andes. The project faces technical challenges from the harsh geographical and climatic conditions along with the uncertainty on whether the economic benefits will offset the large construction costs. Our goal is to develop a combined freight and passenger transport model that provides traffic absorp- tion forecasts for a long time span of 50 years. The model has to cope with different levels of resolution for regional and international flows and its development is constrained by limited information sources.

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