IMAACA 2012 Proceeding

Reducing vibrations on flexible rotating arms through the movement of sliding masses: modeling, optimal control and simulation

Authors:   Eder Terceiro, Agenor de Toledo Fleury


This paper brings contributions on the proposal of use of translational motions of sliding masses to minimize vi- brations induced by the rotational motion of a light flex- ible manipulator (rotating arm). This system is inspired by rotating cranes used to transport loads. Optimal con- trol methods have been used to generate the slider tra- jectories while the flexible manipulator performs a rota- tional maneuver from a fixed to other fixed configura- tion. This approach has led to good solutions even in case of quite quick maneuvers, as, for example, a 90o beam rotation in just 1 second, using 1 or 2 sliders (Ter- ceiro, 2002). In the present paper, the complete mo- tion equations for any number of masses are firstly pre- sented, in order to emphasize the complexity of the cou- pled elastic-rotational-translational motions. Simplifying assumptions are pointed out and the corresponding opti- mal control problems (OCP) are obtained. Optimal tra- jectories, generated according to different Indexes of Per- formance and different problem parameters, are analysed and compared in order to get feasible movements for the set.

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