SESDE 2015 Proceedings

The International Workshop on Simulation for Energy, Sustainable Development & Environment is focusing on using M&S in applications related to Energy, Sustainability and Environmental Issues.

Proceedings List

Using simulation to support management of offshore renewable energy facilities

Authors: Kevin Kennedy, Ted Scully, Tom Mastaglio.

Coagulation-adsorption-flocculation process to regenerate cip solutions. effect on the physicochemical and cleaning properties of regenerated solutions

Authors: Mehdi Dif, Olivier Barrault.

Simulation of home activities to analyze household electricity cosumption

Authors: C. Azcárate, I. Les, F. Mallor.

Modeling energy consumption in automotive manufacturing

Authors: Bita Ghazanfari, Zbigniew J. Pasek.

Challenges and Opportunities in selecting green solutions for port terminals

Authors: Francesco Longo, Antonio Padovano, Alok Baveja, Benjamin Melamed.

Mushroom cultivation process, agaricus bisporus variety: comparison between traditional and climate controlled cultivation and identification of environmental impacts of the production processes

Authors: F.J. Leiva-Lázaro, J. Blanco-Fernández, E. Martínez-Cámara, J.I. Latorre-Biel, E. Jiménez-Macías.

A probabilistic FR 13 simulation of strategies for cooling of air in buildings with unplanned traffic flow during summer

Authors: James Y. G. Chu, Kenneth R. Davey.

Analysis of thermal and acoustic performance in residential buildings with one way slab depending on the rib width and compression layer

Authors: Javier Ferreiro Cabello, Esteban Fraile García, Eduardo Martínez Cámara, Emilio Jiménez Macías.

Human behavior simulation for smart decision making in emergency prevention and mitigation within urban and industrial environments

Authors: Agostino G. Bruzzone, Marina Massei, Matteo Agresta, Alberto Tremori, Francesco Longo, Giuseppina Murino, Fabio De Felice, Antonella Petrillo .

Fuzzy inference about wind resources in urban environment

Authors: Marcos Antonio Cruz Moreira, Roberto Rosenhaim, Robson da Cunha Santos, Gerson Gomes Cunha, Thaiane Fagundes de Araújo Holanda.

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