
The ISM 2024 conference will be held in a hybrid format, meaning that all the plenary and parallel sessions will be held in person and live-streamed online on Microsoft Teams, where online participants will not only be able to watch and listen to the talks but also interact with the participants on site and give their talk.

Preliminary Program-at-a-Glance

Preliminary Program

PDF Version

You can find the link to the virtual rooms to connect remotely via Microsoft Teams in the session description within the program. To have access to the rooms, you need to be registered to the conference. 

Keynote Talks

Keynotes are here! Take a look at the exciting lineup for ISM. Keynotes present diverse, visionary speakers who deliver the most powerful new ideas in the ever-evolving worlds of Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing.

Keynotes present diverse, visionary speakers who deliver the most powerful new ideas in the ever-evolving worlds of Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing. Kenynotes will be soon announced!

dmitry IVANOV

Berlin School of Economics and Law

November 22, 2023 - 11:15 - 13:00

Human-AI Collaboration in Supply Chain Resilience

In this talk, we discuss how human-based and AI-based decision-making support can be combined when managing supply chain resilience. The focus of our talk is an intelligent digital twin (iDT) framework. New digital technologies and artificial intelligence are enabling novel approaches and tools, allowing us to move from isolated models to intelligent decision-support systems. Our talk presents a comprehensive decision-making framework for leveraging digital twins in stress-testing and resilience analysis of supply chains, and outlines the ways digital twins can aid in theoretical advancements in SC resilience and viability. An iDT is a system that combines human intelligence with AI to create a digital representation of physical supply chains, use cognitive AI capabilities and create new knowledge about the system through mutual feedbacks between human and artificial intelligence. The iDT collects and processes data, employs analytics, mimics human decision-making, and develops new knowledge and decision-making algorithms through human-AI collaboration.

Biographical Sketch

Prof. Dr. Dr. habil. Dmitry Ivanov is Professor of Supply Chain and Operations Management, director of the Digital-AI Supply Chain Lab, and faculty director M.A. Global Supply Chain and Operations Management at the Berlin School of Economics and Law. His research spans supply chain resilience and digital supply chain twins. Author of the Viable Supply Chain Model and founder of the ripple effect research in supply chains. He gained Dr., Dr. Sc., and Dr. habil. degrees and won several research excellence awards. His research record counts around 450 publications, with more than 160 papers in prestigious academic journals and the leading books “Global Supply Chain and Operations Management” (three editions), “Introduction to Supply Chain Resilience”, “Introduction to Supply Chain Analytics”, „Structural Dynamics and Resilience in Supply Chain Risk Management“, “Scheduling in Industry 4.0 and Cloud Manufacturing”, “Digital Supply Chain” and „Handbook of Ripple Effects in the Supply Chain“. He delivered invited plenary, keynote, panel and guest talks at the conferences of INFORMS, IFPR, IFIP, IFAC, DSI and POM, and over 30 universities worldwide. He has been Chairman, IPC Chair, and Advisory Board member for over 60 international conferences in supply chain and operations management, industrial engineering, control and information sciences. Recipient of several prestigious academic awards. Principal investigator in several projects about digital supply chain twins and resilience funded by EU Horizon and DFG. Listed in several rankings as one of the most cited researchers in Business and Management. Chair of IFAC CC 5 “Cyber-Physical Manufacturing Systems”, Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, Associate Editor of International Journal of Production Research, Annals of Operations Research and OMEGA, guest editor and Editorial Board member in over 20 leading international journals including IISE Transactions and IJPE, to name a few.

Syed Abdul Rehman KHAN

Business Research and Consultancy Ltd
United Kingdom

November 22, 2023 - 11:15 - 13:00

Implications of Industry 4.0 in Real-World Industries

Growing emphasis on long-term viability prompts researchers and industry professionals to collaborate on innovative approaches for sustainability and survival. Industry 4.0 (I4.0) technology’s importance drives active adoption by firms amidst evolving business dynamics. This research examines the influence of I4.0 technologies on lean, agile resilient and green practices and their impact on supply chain performance. Survey data from manufacturing enterprises were analyzed using SMART PLS to explore the relationship between I4.0 technology, supply chain practices and supply chain performance. The findings revealed that I4.0 technologies significantly impact all supply chain practices and integrating with digital technology solutions enhances supply chain performance. This study advances understanding of the interplay between I4.0 technologies, practices and supply chain performance, providing a basis for further research and practical implications.

Biographical Sketch

Dr. Khan completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship at Tsinghua University (the 16th-ranked University in the world). He is a Research Director at Business Research and Consultancy Ltd (England) and attends guest lectures at international conferences to share his research expertise with young researchers.
Throughout his academic career, Dr. Khan has made significant contributions to the field. As a Full Professor at Xuzhou University of Technology and Xian University of Posts and Telecommunication, he has published nearly 150 research articles. These articles, focusing on digital technologies, sustainable development, sustainable supply chain management, and technology-enabled Circular Economy approaches, have been published in various internationally renowned indexed journals. Dr. Khan’s research has been recognized with highly cited researcher awards for the past three years.
Dr. Khan has been invited as a keynote speaker and invited speaker at 50+ international conferences. He has also published nine books related to the digital technology and sustainability aspects of business operations.

Rodolfo Haber Guerra

Centro de Automatica y Robotica

November 22, 2023 - 11:15 - 13:00

Towards Industry 5.0: some research challenges and opportunities.

Built on the pillars of human-centricity and resilience, Industry 5.0 is focused on fostering the industry towards a new paradigm that not only remains within economic boundaries but also actively contributes to well-being and sustainability. The adoption of Industry 5.0 principles is just at the beginning phase in Europe, where the paradigm is transitioning from awareness and methods development to implementation. In this conference, the industrial human needs, human factors and potential future applications are analysed, exploring the links with cyber-physical human systems and enabling technologies. The initiative of Community of Practice of Industry 5.0 (CoP Industry 5.0, European Commission) is also presented. Two case studies with applications in the industry and the recently funded Horizon Europe project FORTIS, all driven by Artificial Intelligence with applications to manufacturing, are discussed. Finally, some directions and specific areas for potential research are presented.

Biographical Sketch

Rodolfo Haber received the Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain, in 1999. Researcher of the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) since 2006. From 2020-24, he has been Director of the Center for Automation and Robotics of the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) and Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), formerly Vice-Director (2016-20). He has authored 3 books, 18 patents and trade secrets, 21 book chapters, and dozen of articles in indexed journals and conference papers. He has been co-founder of the starts-up Kinequo S.L. (2015), Xymbot Digital Solutions S.L. (2020) and Invofox SL (2022). Since 2002, he has belonged to the IFAC’s TC3.1/5.1 Computers for Control/Manufacturing Plant Control of IFAC, ASME TC Model Identification and Intelligent Systems and IEEE IES TC on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems. He is member of the Editorial Board of several journals, editing nowadays a Collection Topic “Smart manufacturing systems and industry 4.0 Technologies” (Scientific Reports, Nature Portfolio). He represents CSIC in “Data, AI and Robotics (DAIRO)” EU Association and he is member of Industry 5.0 Community of Practice Initiative (European Commission). His main research activities are focused on cyber-physical systems, Internet-of-Everything, intelligent systems, modelling, control and supervisory systems, artificial cognitive systems and Industry 5.0.


University of Patras

November 22, 2023 - 11:15 - 13:00

Maintenance 5.0: Improving industrial maintenance based on Prescriptive Analytics and Digital Twin

Maintenance 5.0 represents a transformative approach to industrial maintenance which leverages the power of Prescriptive Analytics and Digital Twin technologies. In this context, maintenance practices evolve from reactive and preventive strategies to proactive, and data-driven strategies. Therefore, with the integration of Prescriptive Analytics, in conjunction with Digital Twin, Maintenance 5.0 empowers industries to achieve higher levels of operational efficiency and cost-efficiency. On the one hand Prescriptive Analytics utilizes advanced Artificial Intelligence algorithms for the prediction of future failures and the prescription of optimal maintenance actions, and on the other hand Digital Twin facilitates the virtual representation of physical assets. Through real-time monitoring and analysis of asset data, potential faults and performance anomalies can be identified and addressed before they escalate into critical issues. Furthermore, the utilization of Digital Twin enables virtual experimentation, allowing for improved maintenance planning, optimization of resources, and reduced downtime. Therefore, in this keynote talk the key concepts and benefits of Maintenance 5.0 are presented, shedding light on how the convergence of Prescriptive Analytics and Digital Twin can drive future improvements in industrial maintenance practices.

Biographical Sketch

Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics. He is Vice President of Research and Development Council of the University of Patras, Founding Member at the CLEAN AVIATION JU, Director of the Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation. He is Fellow of the CIRP, of the IFAC 5.2, of the IFIP WG 5.7, of the SPEL, and IALF Scientific Committee Member. He is Member of the EFFRA, of the ASME, of the SME, of the IEEE, of the SAE, of the EMIRACLE, and Founding Member of the EASN. His scientific interests are focus on the Advanced Simulation, Design, Planning and Control of Manufacturing Systems and Networks, Robotic Systems, Automation, eXtended Reality, Maintenance, Blockchain and Metaverse. He authored one Elsevier Book in 2022 and is included in the 2% of global top scientists. He has won Best Paper Awards (APMS 2012, IFAC MIM 2022, MDPI Applied Sciences) and the Best presentation Award in 2nd Digital Twin Conference. He is the STC Dn Section Editor in the CIRP CNTPE board and Editorial Board Member and Guest Editor of several Scopus Indexed International Journals. He authored the Book “Design and Operation of Production Networks for Mass Personalization in the Era of Cloud Technology” published in 2022 by Elsevier and he is Authoring a second Elsevier Book entitled “Advances in Manufacturing from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0”to be published in June 2024. He participates as Editorial Board Μember at thirteen (13) International Scientific Journals, as Editor / Guest Editor in eight (8) International Scientific Journals with high impact factor and as co-Editor in the MDPI Topic: Smart Manufacturing and Industry 5.0. More specifically, he is Associate Section Editor-in-Chief of Robotics and Automation in Applied Sciences, Area Editor in Computers & Industrial Engineering and Specialty Chief Editor in Digital Manufacturing Section in Frontiers in Manufacturing Technology. Additionally, he is Editorial Board Member in International Journal of Production Research – IJPR, in Journal of Manufacturing Systems – JMS, in International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing – IJCIM, in Journal of Engineering Design (Advisory Board Member), in Machines, in Advances in Manufacturing, in Mathematical Problems in Engineering of Hindawi, in Journal of Green Manufacturing Open, in Digital Twin, and in Digital Engineering and Digital Twin. He has chaired and organized four Webinars in cooperation with MDPI Applied Sciences and OAE in the area of Human Centric Systems Towards Industry 5.0 and advances in Human Machine Interfaces (HMI) towards Industry 5.0. He has also been interviewed by MDPI Encyclopedia. He has authored monographs, book chapters, papers, white papers, and research project reports, has published numerous articles in International scientific journals (peer-reviewed). He has published more than three hundred and twenty (327) scientific papers. The unique citations of his published work exceed 13,500 (h-index 60/i-10 index: 197) according to the databases: Google Scholar, Scopus, and Research Gate.

Telmo G. Santos

NOVA School of Science and Technology

November 22, 2023 - 11:15 - 13:00

Demystifying Misconceptions: A Critical Perspective on Additive Manufacturing Technologies

Additive Manufacturing (AM) has sparked significant enthusiasm but also led to overstated claims about its capabilities. This communication aims to provide a critical perspective on the misconceptions surrounding AM technologies and their implications. It will address four key issues commonly associated with AM: (1) the belief that AM represents an entirely new set of manufacturing processes, (2) the notion that AM can fabricate any geometry with any material, (3) the idea that AM will disrupt traditional supply chains, and (4) the assumption that anyone can easily utilize AM. By demystifying these misconceptions, this communication will highlight the realities and consequences of each issue at various levels. While AM offers significant advantages, it is important to recognize that it cannot replace well-established manufacturing technologies entirely. However, the impact and potential of AM are undeniable, and it will undoubtedly shape the future of manufacturing in the coming decades. This communication focuses on essential concepts for manufacturing specialists and can provide valuable insights for researchers exploring logistics, social sciences, and business topics related to AM technologies. Understanding the limitations and advantages of AM is crucial for informed decision-making and successful implementation in the manufacturing industry.

Biographical Sketch

Telmo G. Santos holds a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (2009). Currently, he is a Full Professor and the head of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the NOVA School of Science and Technology of NOVA University Lisbon (NOVA FCT). He is also the Director of the UNIDEMI research Center and the coordinator of the PhD program in Mechanical Engineering at NOVA FCT. He has authored over 100 publications, specializing in Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) and Advanced Manufacturing. His expertise includes Additive Manufacturing, particularly for metal alloys using Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing, as well as solid-state manufacturing processes like Friction Stir Welding, and hybrid manufacturing processes. Telmo G. Santos holds 9 patents in the field of NDT and manufacturing processes. He serves as the vice-president of the Portuguese Society of NDT, chairperson of the scientific committee of the European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (ECNDT 2023) and has previously served as an Associate Editor for the journal Measurement.

Regular & Invited Sessions

Regular Sessions cover the topics of the conference and mainly group the papers that fall within a specific research subject and submitted to the regular program. Invited Sessions consist of papers collected within the scope of an Open Track (for the full list of available tracks check the Topics & Tracks section) proposed by one or more organizers. In this case, papers are mainly based on personal invitation by the Open Track organizer(s) but may also include papers submitted to the regular program.

Presentation Formats and Speakers' Instructions

Parallel Sessions (either regular or invited) will last about 1 hour and 30 minutes and may include between 4 and 5 papers. Both sessions provide the opportunity for Authors (both in-person and virtual) to present their work live by sharing their presentations and giving their talk (max 12 minutes) followed by Question & Answers (around 3 minutes). All the blended sessions will be streamed via MS Teams so that virtual attendees can also listen to the presentations being held in the conference physical rooms and interact with the audience in there. This way, also presenting authors attending the conference remotely will be able to share their screen, give their talk and interact with the audience in the conference physical rooms. Presentation template is free.

Special Sessions

Special sessions offer a venue for the presentation of topics of special academic, social or industrial interest, including project presentations, panel discussions or non-technical talks on topics such as research funding, entrepreneurship, or technology transfer.
R&D Projects Dissemination Event @ISM 2024

The ISM 2024 Organization Committee has embraced the vision to make the conference the perfect environment for knowledge exchange and dissemination. In particular, dissemination activities (integrated with communication and exploitation) are essential for the impact and success of R&D projects. Funding bodies (e.g. the EU commission) usually request partners to organize midterm and final dissemination events in order to broadly disseminate the outputs of the project.

With this in mind, ISM 2024 is organizing this special “R&D Projects Dissemination Event” dedicated to oral presentations of ongoing or final results of R&D projects in all the areas related to the conference topics.

This special event will represent a unique platform for companies, research bodies and universities to:

  • disseminate their project progress and results to the relevant scientific communities, potential investors, stakeholders, regulatory bodies, potential users, and lay audience;
  • find other R&D project partnership opportunities with other speakers or people of the audience.

Tentative presenters should submit the form below by October 1, 2024. An advisory board will assess the submitted summary in terms of adherence to the topics of the Conference. The presenter will be notified about the acceptance for presentation. Please, note that the submitted summaries will not undergo through a technical/scientific peer-review process; hence, project summaries and presentations will NOT be included in the conference proceedings.

We have limited slots for presentations, therefore be sure to book your opportunity as soon as possible!

Enjoy your stay

Social Activities

What really connects people at conferences are real live moments, memories and experiences. We are planning the social events and the full conference activities with safety in mind and further information will be soon provided.

Thursday, 23 November 2023

Gala Dinner @ Casa do Alentejo
Two beautiful rooms make up the Restaurant Casa do Alentejo. While one of the rooms is ornamented with tile panels created by Jorge Colaço (beginning of the 20th century), the other one is coated with tile panels from a 17th century palace. Both of them provide a peaceful environment, ideal to enjoy the gastronomy of the Alentejo region. The Palácio Alverca / Casa do Alentejo was granted the classification of “Public Interest Building” assuring that you will have the right ambience for the party you are planning. It is located at Rua das Portas de Santo Antão, right in the centre of the Lisbon’s “Baixa”. Step in at number 58, climb up the stone stairs and you will find yourself in an Arab courtyard, ideal for a reception cocktail for your guests. Go to the second floor and be mesmerized by the panel covered corridor that provides the access to our two grand party halls where you can host your event. The rooms are separated by a shared central stage and can host up to 400 people. The “Salão dos Espelhos” hall, decorated in the style of Louis XVI, has decorative stucco and is ornamented by hand-painted panels by Benvindo Ceia. The other room has a neo renaissance ambience and hosts romantic paintings by Alentejo born artist Domingos Costa. It provides several logistic equipments along with an experienced and well-trained team that guarantees the excellence and success of your party/event.

R. das Portas de Santo Antão 58, 1150-268 Lisboa, Portugal