IWISH 2015 Proceeding

The development of a low-cost obstetric simulator to train midwifery students and test objective examinations? skills

Authors:   S. Ricci, A. Paci, S. Marcutti, P. Marchiolè , G. Torre , M. Casadio, G. Vercelli, M. Cordone


The study presents the design a low cost simulator that allows precise identification of the fetal position, enabling doctors and students to train and improve their skills by inspecting visually and manually what happens inside a simulated birth canal. The system consists on a female pelvis, a custom-made fetal mannequin, and a visual display to show in real time the birth canal and the position of the fetus. Students are often unable not only to identify correctly the fetal head position, but also to discriminate between the two fontanels. This system can help them to train this ability and could be an important instrument for the instructors to objectively assess the clinical skill of each student.

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