DHSS 2016 Proceeding

Modeling, interoperable simulation and serious games as an innovative approach for disaster relief

Authors:   A. G. Bruzzone, M. Massei, R. Di Matteo, M. Agresta, G. Franzinetti, P. Porro


This paper presents the use of Human Behavior Modeling for Disaster Relief and Emergency Management. The authors propose an innovative MS2G (Modeling, Interoperable Simulation and Serious Game) using Intelligent Agents to reproduce a complex scenario used for Verification, Validation and Accreditation of the approach. The case study is inspired to South Sudan situation and to the necessity to provide accommodations, food, health care services, security and administrative support to a large number of IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) over a wide area. The simulator includes camp preparation and installation, air drops, logistics network creation while the model includes populations, entities and units as well as different equipment (e.g. cargo planes, helicopters, ground units, etc.).

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