HMS 2015 Proceeding

Pedestrian modelling: discomfort assessement

Authors:   Elvezia Cepolina, Gabriella Caroti, Andrea Piemonte, Paloma Gonzalez Rojas


A bad design of a pedestrian infrastructure hardly achieves congestion in the pedestrian flow, it is easier than it causes only bother among the pedestrians. Nevertheless infrastructures bad planned might result not accessible to particular classes of consumers in normal situations or might provide low levels of service linked to low comfort in using them. The authors are developing a microscopic simulator that aims at analyzing virtual indoor and outdoor pedestrian environments in order to assess the quality of their design. The quality of the design is based on the comfort of people moving around the envir is a function of the level of satisfaction of every pedestrian. The paper proposes a methodology for assessing the discomfort resulting from interactions between pedestrians, in a given physical environment, of personal space lost and low quality of communication. The proposed methodology has been applied to a real case of study. Pedestrian positions have been obtained by a photogrammetic survey.

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