HMS 2015 Proceeding

Simulation-optimisation based decision-support for coordinated disaster relief last mile distribution

Authors:   Christian Fikar, Manfred Gronalt, Johannes Goellner, Patrick Hirsch


We present a simulation and optimisation based decision-support system to improve last-mile distribution of goods during disasters. In particular, the impact of road closures on supply and optimal transfer points is analysed by considering road, off-road and air transportation. To deal with panic buying, stockpiling and various consequences of a disaster over a rolling time-horizon, a limited number of transfer points have to be selected. At these points, relief organisations and retailers can transfer shipments to prevent stock-outs at regional stores. Furthermore, shipment requests are scheduled to vehicles, routed and optimised during each simulation run. Results show a significant reduction in average lead times when coordinating last-mile distribution during disasters.

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