HMS 2015 Proceeding

Interoperability and perofrmance analysis of a complex marine multidomain simulation based on high level architecture

Authors:   Agostino G. Bruzzone, Diego Crespo Pereira, Alberto Tremori, Marina Massei, Mirko Scapparone


In Modelling and Simulation the main standard for interoperability is HLA (High Level Architecture): this paper is focused on interoperability combining different simulators to create a modular and scalable approach for complex scenarios characterized by heavy computational workload. The case study addressed a within an extended maritime framework (EMF) including underwater operations, cyber warfare, autonomous systems and traditional vessels. The paper presents the architecture of the federation and also provides a performance analysis of the implementation when using different RTIs as well as a methodological approach to identify the most reliable and performing solution for the interoperability within this context.

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