HMS 2010 Proceeding

Multilevel approach modelling for port container terminal simulation

Authors:   Marcos Sanz, Daniel Juste, Carlos Lozano, Marina Valles, Jose Luis Navarro


In this paper, it is analyzed how to aggregate the operations carried out in a container terminal for the construction of simulation models. Also, the productivity or efficiency indexes commonly used in terminal management are related to every abstraction level, so the user will select the appropriated simulation model based on the indexes he want to obtain. Furthermore, the models must give coherent results, so some parameters of a more abstracted (or aggregated) model can be obtained from a more detailed one using simulation. In the opposite direction, if it is known an aggregated parameter, some dependent parameters of a more detailed model can be obtained by means of a search procedure that will find the best solution for this set of parameters. As a result of this analysis, a hierarchical multilevel model is proposed for the simulation of port container terminals.

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