HMS 2008 Proceeding

A decision support system for planning maintenance processes in a transhipment container terminal

Authors:   Gianfranco Fancello, Marco Naseddu, Andrea Ferrari,Paolo Fadda


The objective of the research project developed in cooperation with CICT (Cagliari International Container Terminal) is to determine and organize a Decision Support System (DSS) capable of introducing an engineering process of the maintenance activities (emergency and planned maintenance). This system is aimed at representing a useful operating tool for maintenance managers, which assists them in choosing different maintenance policies to take on and also in introducing the management data system, which is interpreted as an essential tool to schedule interventions and, more generally, to manage the resources which form the logistics support system. In particular, the aim of this paper is to describe the architecture concerning the DSS under construction, the logical-functional relations existing among different modules of which it is made of and to show the first goals achieved up to now.

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