EMSS 2015 Proceeding

The impact of procurement and inventory management in operative performance in a supply chain

Authors:   Jorge Luis García-Alcaraz, Aidé Aracely Maldonado-Macías, Emilio Jiménez Macías, Julio Blanco Fernández


Supply chain is a major opportunity area to reduce costs and obtain operative performance, and that?s why companies are looking to have a proper administration of the same. In this paper appears a structural equation model that integrates a total of 14 observed variables integrated in three latent variables, which are the raw materials procurement process, inventory management and operative performance of supply chain, generating three hypotheses related their relationships. A dataset was used containing 306 cases from maquiladoras in México. The model is run using partial least squares method. The results indicate that there is a direct and positive from raw material procurement on inventory management administration of 0.74 standard deviations, but in turn the first impact on 0.50 to operative performance.

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