EMSS 2015 Proceeding

Sustainable performance management model of manufacturing companies according to sampled methods from performance management system

Authors:   Veronika Bure?ová, Lilia Dvo?áková


The paper focuses on the topic of research and development of a complex sustainable performance management model for medium-sized manufacturing companies operating in the Central Europe economies. The form of the model is determined by the most significant tendencies and phenomenons with a worldwide reach influencing manufacturing companies (sustainable entrepreneurship, environment protection, social responsibility of a company, gender equality, national non-discrimination etc.) and by the results acquired by the performed primary research in the area of sustainable performance of manufacturing companies. The model is designed as a four-element one. The reason is that the competitive level of an enterprise in a long-term period is the reflection of the management ability to manage the company successfully, to guide its performance in the right direction and at a needed speed and to evaluate the intercompany results effectively by controlling methods and tools ? a system of feedback and mutual causalities and dependencies.

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