EMSS 2014 Proceeding

Fupol simulators and advanced visualization framework integration

Authors:   Egils Ginters, Artis Aizstrauts, Mikelis Baltruks, Kawa Nazemi, Dirk Burkhardt, Peter Sonntagbauer, Susane Sonntagbaure, Jorge Martin Gutierrez


FP7 FUPOL project No.287119 (see www.fupol.eu) aims at a new approach to traditional politics modeling. The FUPOL will be able to automatically collect, analyze and interpret opinions expressed on a large scale from the Internet and social networks. This will enable governments to gain a better understanding of the needs of citizens. Likewise the software will have the capabilities to simulate the effects of policies and laws and to assist governments in the whole policy design process. Basic visualization of the simulation results are supported by the simulators however visualization facilities are limited, therefore for detailed visual analysis of simulation data SemasVis environment is used.

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