EMSS 2014 Proceeding

On the search for novel simulation application to support airport operations management

Authors:   Olusola Theophilus Faboya, Peer-Olaf Siebers


Airports are complex socio-technical systems with many different stakeholders which often have very different needs. Operations Research modelling tools and techniques are used successfully to support the management of such systems by helping to better understand and improve their operations. A review of the literature shows that there are many existing modelling studies related to airport operations management but it also unveils some territories that are still untapped. This might be due to the fact that the right tools or techniques for these jobs have not been identified yet. In this paper we identify some of these untapped areas and discuss how simulation modelling could be used as a decision support tool for gaining insight into systems operation in these areas. We take a closer look at one of the identified areas (airport facilities maintenance scheduling) and conduct a hypothetical proof-of-principle simulation study to demonstrate the feasibility and applicability of using simulation in this area. Our conclusion is that simulation studies are a very useful aid for this kind of investigation.

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