EMSS 2012 Proceeding

The translation of CPN into NETLOGO environment for the modelling of political issues: FUPOL project

Authors:   Miguel Mujica, Miquel Angel Piera


The FUPOL project aims in a better way of fostering e- participation through the use of several tools and the social networks. The designed tool will make the citizens participate in the decision-making process in a more active way. The modelling and simulation of social activity is one WP of the project which is in charge of developing multi-agent systems capable of simulating the different actors that participate in the policy process. In order to determine the behaviour of citizens in a unambiguous and formal way the coloured Petri net formalism is used as the modelling framework to govern the agents behaviour. The characteristics of the CPN formalism allow a better understanding of the causal relationships present in systems and in particular in the case of policy process it allows simulating policy domains taking into account the causes of the decisions which contrast with the traditional approach that normally uses data trends or regressions to forecast the future outcomes. In this paper a way to translate the CPN semantic rules into the rules used by the agents called Turtles, links or patches in NetLogo is presented.

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