EMSS 2008 Proceeding

Templates for distributed agent-based simulations on a quasi opportunistic grid

Authors:   Laszlo Gulyas, Walter de Back, Gabor Szemes, Krzysztof Kurowski, Werner Dubitzky,George Kampis


Complex systems are defined as systems with many interdependent parts which give rise to non-linear and emergent properties. Supercomputers constitute the de facto technology to deliver the required computational performance. However, supercomputers involve considerable costs, which many organizations cannot afford. The working assumption of this paper is that a grid could be enhanced by suitable middleware to provide features similar to those of supercomputers. However, simulation developers will face additional difficulties when adopting their applications to the grid. That is because the underlying topology of the computational infrastructure is dynamic. This paper reports on an ongoing effort to develop templates for distributed simulations on the grid with the integration of the Repast and ProActive packages.

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