EMSS 2008 Proceeding

A cad system in augmented reality application

Authors:   Pier Paolo Valentini, Davide Gattamelata, Eugenio Pezzuti


In this paper an integration between a computer aided 3D modeller and an augmented reality environment is presented. The system is based on an high resolution web cam to acquire video stream from the real world and an electromagnetic tracking system (Flock of Bird by Ascension) which allows the user to interact with real and virtual objects in the augmented scene. The software to manage user interaction and data flow is implemented in Visual C++ and it makes use of the Artoolkit libraries, the OpenGL libraries and the Flock of Birds libraries. The purpose of the system is to speed up reverse engineering and prototyping processes, because the user can relate real object features in the scene to model its virtual entities or acquire geometrical features of existing parts. Moreover, the user can export the virtual models into CAD system or import external models to see how they fit in their real environment.

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