I-WISH, 2015

The International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Healthcare


September, 21-23 2015

Bergeggi, Italy

Call For Papers


Application of Simulation for Healthcare Supply Chains

At the International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Healthcare



Korina Katsaliaki, International Hellenic University, Greece

Navonil Mustafee, University of Exeter, UK;



Deadlines for Papers Submission

Author’s Instruction for paper submission


Track Description

The healthcare industry accounts for over 10% of the national economic output in many countries. Lack or failure of quality control procedures, misalignment among consumer needs, payers and provider services are primary causes of building waste in the healthcare supply chain. Pressure on the industry has targeted cost reductions in key functions of its supply chain and has fostered innovative design of health services and organizations.


The health care industry benefits from the use of simulation and other Operations Research (OR) techniques capable of integrating the entire (or parts of the) health services supply chains and helping manage inventory levels, identify inefficiencies and improve patients, staff and information flow.

In this track we aim to attract papers that have applied simulation techniques for investigating and improving performance measures of healthcare supply chains. We encourage papers on OR practice (e.g., research papers that present case studies that have applied simulation for a given healthcare supply chain problem), methodology (e.g., those that provide a taxonomy or framework for healthcare supply chain integration using simulation techniques), and on technology (e.g., papers that focus on integration technologies for simulating healthcare supply chains). Examples include papers that have investigated the following problems in the context of healthcare supply chains (please note that the list is not exhaustive):


· Manage inventory levels

· Utilize resources efficiently

· Meet lead times and improve logistics

· Improve patient, staff or information flow

· Optimize facilities and capacity planning

· Increase efficiency

· Reduce costs   

· Improve services quality and patients’ well-being.




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For further information please contact Navonil Mustafee, Korina Katsaliaki,
