FoodOPS 2020 Tracks

Authors are kindly invited to include in their papers and presentations all the research works, case studies and applications both theoretical and applied. Topics of interest include the following , nevertheless different topics concerning Food Processing and Operations are welcome.

Suitable topics include but are not limited to:

Food processes modeling and simulation

Advanced models and applications for food production, distribution and traceability

Food Supply Chain and cold supply chain management

Economic, social, business and environmental challenges in food supply chains

Inventory management for food, beverage and perishable products

Decision support systems applications in food production and distribution

Greening the supply chain and environmental sustainability

Simulation optimization approaches in food processing and distribution

Production systems design in food industry

Design and production of novel foods

Design and operation of food processes, plant and equipment

Economics of food engineering


I3M 2020 Scientific Sponsors

I3M 2020 Industrial Sponsors

I3M 2020 Media Sponsors