MAS, 2014


The 13th International Conference on

Modeling and Applied Simulation


10 - 12 September

Agora Multi-Purpose Complex, University of Bordeaux

Bordeaux, France

Call For Papers


Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Food Processing and Operations

at the International Conference on Modeling & Applied Simulation

(MAS 2014)


Chairs: (a)Andrea Grassi, (b)Giuseppe Vignali ,(c)Eleonora Bottani,                  (d)Roberto Montanari

Affiliations: (a)University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy

                     (b)(c)(d)University of Parma, Italy

Contacts: (a), (b) ,              (c)   (d)


Deadlines for papers submission

Author’s instructions for paper submission


Workshop Aim

Companies operating in food sector often face problems that are not commonly seen in other industrial fields. Main difficulties are related to the need to manage raw materials and products whose quality and characteristics are affected by environmental conditions and time. Hence, the whole of supply, stocking, production and distribution activities have to be strictly coordinated and managed in such a way as to guarantee high quality standards, customer needs fulfillment, shelf-life tolerance, traceability, and cost and energy savings.

The Track offers the possibility to present results and critical issues concerning processes design and operations management in food industry using Modeling and Simulation as methodological approach. We welcome high-quality, original scientific contributions and will consider them for publication.


Workshop Topics

Topics of interest include:

 • Modeling and simulation of food processes;

• Comparison and optimization of emerging food technologies;

• Risk assessment, food safety and shelf-life prediction;

• Analysis and modeling of food packaging;

• Food processing sustainability;

• Traceability;

• Production planning and scheduling;

• Supply chain and cold chain design and management;

• Inventory management and storage area design;

• Automation of production processes and logistics;


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