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 Call For Papers


Optimization Methods and Simulation Tools for Dynamic Systems


at the European Modeling & Simulation Symposium 2010

(EMSS 2010)


Chairs: (a)Idalia Flores (b)Ann Wellens

Affiliation: (a)(b)Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)


Contacts: (a)idalia@servidor.unam.mx , (b)wann@servidor.unam.mx


Track Description

Modeling, simulation and optimization techniques are approved methods to support appropriate design and efficient operation of material handling systems. An increasing number of projects are run in this field, but there are also ongoing research activities focusing on e.g. systematic evaluation of material handling system design alternatives in order to derive design guidelines, development of effective strategies for dealing with component failure or process interruption, determination of implications from new approaches to material flow management and control on material handling system design and planning methodology, investigation of synergies from incorporating methodology and findings of other fields like knowledge management or visualization. The intention of this track is to show the state-of-the-art and some applications of modeling, simulation and optimization in designing and operating material handling systems. This includes typical problems, methodological concepts and exemplary cases in simulating material handling processes or the functioning of handling robots, in modeling complexity of material handling systems, or in integrating material handling simulation into more holistic approaches of factory, logistics or supply chain simulation, etc. Both research-focused and application-oriented contributions are welcome.


Overall objectives of the track

· To demonstrate the variety of problems and problem solving approaches related to modelling, simulation and optimization of material handling systems.

· To give space for presentation and discussion of new research approaches and findings and for identification of needs for further research in the field.

· To provide a platform for exchange and discussion on needs and chances, best practices and lessons learned in material handling system simulation.


Topics List: 

Recommended topics in the track include, but are not limited to, the following:

· NP-hard problems solved with metaheuristic methods

· Industrial and service sector applications

· Integer Programming problems solved with Simulation

· General Optimization and Simulation methods


Key Dates

Submissions of Extended Abstracts:                                            April 12, 2010

Notification of acceptance:                                                            May 10, 2010

Early Registration:                                                                      June 10, 2010

Final Camera-Ready Submission:                                               June 10, 2010


Authors' Guidelines (further information author’s instruction section)


Extended abstracts (minimum 2 pages), full draft papers or other proposals should be submitted for the review process through the submission section by April 12, 2010.

The extended abstract or the full draft paper must contain title, authors, affiliations, addresses, main body and references.

Each extended abstract or full draft paper will be reviewed by at least two members of the International Program Committee taking into consideration scientific quality, originality and relevance. Only original papers, written in English will be accepted.

The extended abstract or the full draft paper should be prepared by following the final paper formatting. However any type of paper formatting can be accepted for the first submission.



Notification of acceptance will be sent by May 10, 2010.



The International Program Committee will accept two types of camera ready papers: extended paper (10 pages, 2 columns); regular paper (6 pages, 2 columns) both for regular and special sessions.

The camera ready paper must adhere to the conference template. The .dot file contains the complete instructions for preparing a camera ready copy for the Proceedings. The final version of the paper must be a PDF file.

Your camera ready paper (extended paper or regular paper) in PDF format must be submitted by using the submission section before the 10th of June 2010.

The page limit for manuscripts is ten (10) pages (included  in the author registration fee). Additional pages will require an additional fee.

If your work must be cleared or approved before publication by  your institution, company, or governmental agency, please be sure that  process will be completed by the due date above or we will not be able to include it in the CD Conference Proceedings.







































For further information please contact Idalia Flores, Ann Wellens

22nd EMSS, 2010

22nd European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (Simulation in Industry)

October 13-15, 2010

FES, Morocco