BIS 2010, Modeling and Simulation in Business and Industry

The Business and Industry Simulation track is one of the best established tracks within EAIA. Operational and financial stresses in conjunction with the demands of customers, both external and internal, have intensified pressure for competent industrial operations. The evolution of complex systems operating within intricate environments has placed pressure on the configuration and performance of agile, efficient, and flexible industrial operations. Firms are recognizing that the continual enhancement of existing operations is essential to gaining and holding a competitive edge. Government organizations today can effectively evaluate solutions for complex challenges in transportation, health care, security, or environmental effects before making decisions. This call for papers aims to highlight academic foundations as well as real-world industrial applications focusing on lessons learned, experienced constraints, and proof of concepts and generalizability of implemented solutions using M&S in such environments

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following examples:

· Supply chain M&S

· Simulation-based decision support systems

· Transportation managent M&S

· Health Care management M&S

· M&S applications in institutional or defense environment

· M&S applications Manufacuting or service industry





























Authors' Guidelines

Original, high-quality technical papers are solicited for review, possible presentation and subsequent publication in the conference proceedings. Abstract are strongly encouraged in advance of the final papers. All final paper submissions are to be made electronically to SCS via the submission site. Please include complete postal and e-mail addresses, and fax and phone numbers of corresponding author. Papers must be in English. Confirmations will be sent to the contact author when the file has been retrieved and successfully viewed or printed. Only original unpublished material will be considered for publication. Authors should identify the area(s) in which they think their contribution would best fit, and should clearly indicate whether the submission is for a poster session or a full paper. Only papers that have not been previously published or presented are acceptable. Authors must obtain any employer, client, or government clearances before submission of the final manuscript. All conference attendees are expected to participate at their own expense.

Formatting guidelines and authors instructions can be found here


Key Dates

Submissions of abstracts/full papers: December 15, 2010

Notification of acceptance: January 15, 2011

Final Camera-Ready Submission: February  20, 2011


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 Call For Papers                      < Spring Sim 2011


April 4-9, 2011


Boston Marriott Long Wharf Hotel; Boston, MA, USA


Organized by


Modeling & Simulation in Business and Industry

(BIS 2011)

Part of the Emerging M&S Applications in Industry and Academia Symposium (EAIA)

at Spring Simulation Multiconference


Program Chairs:

Agostino G. Bruzzone, MISS-DIPTEM, University of Genoa, Italy

Francesco Longo, MSC-LES, University of Calabria, Italy

Rafael Diaz, Old Dominium University, VA, USA